ldhintz's blog
Candidates began jumping into the 2017 election Friday, the first official filing day.
I've been trying to email the US Senators and when I go to their webpages I get this popping up. Anyone know what this means?
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I asked facebook Durham Herald Sun about local news coverage and this is what they sent me.
The McClatchy Co. owns the N&O and late last year bought the Herald-Sun. About a month ago, the N&O closed our Chapel Hill office and moved the news and advertising staff to the Herald-Sun's office near Northgate Mall in Durham. The CHN and all the N&O's 10 community papers are changing (look for an announcement later this week). Our goal is to make the Herald-Sun the leading news source in print and online for Durham, Orange and eventually northern Chatham counties. The two papers -- the N&O and HS -- will share content in print and online. Feel free to call me at 919-829-8950 if you have more questions.
This evening I attended a Chapel Hill/UNC forum about immigration and the law. The county sheriff and town police chief were there. They said the IDs issued by Faith Groups were very helpful and encouraged other districts to use them. The current Trump immigration order bans refugees from all countries not just the 7 nations often listed. None of the officials remember any local police being involved with deporting people. However, depending on the crime someone is arrested for, data is entered into systems which can be accessed by ICE. The immigration lawyers present advised legal immigrants with visas or Green Cards not to travel outside of the US nor near the US border states.
I went to the white house web site to contact Trump about his latest ex order about immigration. I tried to call the numbers listed. I used 202-456-1414 this Sunday afternoon and a pleasant woman answered and explained that the comment line has not been activated for this administration and I should complete the on line form from the web page which I did.
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