ldhintz's blog

immigration law in Orange County

This should be an interesting forum.

Post Date: 01/24/2017 8:51 AM

Carolina Student Legal Services, Inc., Justice Initiatives, Inc., and the Town of Chapel Hill will co-sponsor an Open Forum for the University and the surrounding Community entitled:

Immigration Law and the New Administration
Wednesday, February 1, 2017
6:00 to 8:00 pm
Carolina Union Auditorium on the Campus of UNC Chapel Hill


Election Results (national)

11/13/16 Election Result analysis for those of you who like numbers.

The election results show how divided the US is and I hope will mean that the winning side will take in consideration some of the issues of the losing side. Personally I know that the current Electoral College are the rules of the game and I accept the results. (Since Trump won, I have been mulling over a large number of “might have beens” but will save that for another time.)

 Exit polling indicates that most women voted for Clinton and most men voted for Trump; younger voters (under 45) voted for Clinton and older voters for Trump (as always, older voters had higher turnout); minorities (Blacks, Asians, Latinos) for Clinton and Whites for Trump. Protestants voted mostly for Trump, Catholics were more split (45% Clinton, 52% Trump) while Jews and other non Christian religions voted a lot more for Clinton as did the 15% of Americans who stated they had no religion. See http://www.cnn.com/election/results/exit-polls/national/president

Election Day 11/8/16

I'm sorry to see the election activity on Orange Politics is minimal these days. I volunteered at Kings Mill Precinct this morning. By 10 AM about 130 people had voted. The most common question was who were the District Judge candidates. FYI. For NC District Court Judge District 15B, Long is on the ballot but has withdrawn. I hope folks will vote for Sherri Murrell. She spoke at the candidate forums and comes highly recommended by people involved in the local judicial system. The last week I have been in Wake, Allamance and Granville counties. Some voters still think they needed an ID to vote or that if you have a felony conviction you can't vote. I met several 18 year olds who were not registered to vote. Everyone who I talked to said they had either voted early or were going to vote today. Hope it turns out that way.


Election 2016 Campaigning

The past 3 months I've been campaigning a bit for some of the state and national candidates. Almost everyone I met said they were registered to vote (at their current address) or were not US citizens. I had some interesting conversations with professors, students and employees from other countries(Jordan, Canada, Mexico, Costa Rica, China, Japan, Netherlands, Germany, India,Guatemala and a few others.) Tuesday evenings I have been calling Sierra Club members around the state, encouraging them to vote for the endorsed candidates and volunteer. Most people who are home are older, have health issues or are already volunteering with other groups.  I've driven out several times to Halifax and Northampton County where I used to live and work. There are very few yard signs and most are for the Republicans even though this area votes heavily democratic. I brought some yard signs for the early voting sites in Northampton and put them up. I was unable to contact anyone coordinating activities there. As of Monday 650 people had voted in Northampton County and the volunteers passing out sample ballots said they had been asked by the state Raleigh office to help.

more judge forums

There are 4 local District Court Judge races. Only Democrats are on the ballot. Two have no competition (Beverly A. Scarlett and Jay Bryan). On the ballot Sherri Murrell has competition (Lunsford Long) but Judge Long has withdrawn from the race but is still on the ballot. Logically everyone should vote for Murrell because if she doesn't win, the current governor could appoint to the future vacancy created by Long. The only real contested race is between Samantha Cabe and Sam Cooper. Tomorrow 9/29/16 there is another forum for the district judges sponsored by Orange Democrats.

REMINDER: District Court Judicial Candidates Forum

The Orange County Democratic Party will be sponsoring a candidate forum with candidates for the Long and Anderson seats on our local District Court. Candidates for these seats include Samantha Cabe and Sam Cooper (Anderson seat) and Sherri Murrell (Long seat).

This forum will take place  Thursday, September 29 from 7:00pm to 8:30pm at the Lake Hogan Farms Clubhouse (101 Commons Way, Chapel Hill). 

This event will be moderated by OCDP Chair Matt Hughes and OCDP Vice Chair Susan Romaine.



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