happy hour

OP Happy Hour

Organized by and with UNC students! A special opportunity to welcome young people who want to learn more about local issues. All candidates will be invited once the venue is confirmed. 

UPDATE: The venue is set for R&R Grill, and the candidates have been invited.  Y'all come! 


Friday, April 16, 2010 - 2:00pm


R&R Grill, Nationsbank Plaza, East Franklin Street, Chapel Hill

OP Happy Hour

Hey, it's been a while and I miss y'all! Let's get together for a seasonal OrangePolitics Happy Hour where we can meet up face to face for bonding, kvetching, etc. Community leaders are encouraged to come, so bring your favorite neighborhood activist or elected official.

Thursday, January 28th from 5:30 to 7:00 pm. Place to be determined, but I'm liking The Station lately...


Thursday, January 28, 2010 - 12:30pm



Happy Birthday to Us

Today marks six years since I flipped the switch on this blog and started this community of progressive local politics bloggers (and commenters). I looked back at the entries from September 2003, and found some nostalgia (red light cameras) and some the-more-things-change-the-more-they-stay-the-same (candidate forums and Carolina North). In recent years, the OP community has developed a tradition of raising money on the occasion of our birthday. However, last year's fund raising only generated $140 toward the $420 that I pay for our hosting annually. (This is high because I use a service that keeps Drupal up-to-date and running smoothly.) 

I hope we can do better this year, and I'm open to suggestions. For example, should I thank the donors more publicly, or should I be more discreet? Would folks like t-shirts or other gifts to acknowledge their support?

Drinking Liberally

Notice via Facebook:

Hey all! Our next meeting will be November 12 at The Station, 7:00 pm. Come on out, we can share stories from the 4th, talk about where to go from here, and fight for jobs in the Obama administration.

See everyone there!


Wednesday, November 12, 2008 - 2:00pm


The Station at Southern Rail, Carrboro

OP Happy Hour (no longer tentative)

Sorry for the short notice, but I don't want to postpone again. It's going to be way too hot to be outside, so my original plan to go to WSM or OSCSC are out of the question. How about F*use or Skylight Exchange (no booze)?

I thought about hosting at it my house so you can all try to get here from Carrboro with that big, ugly fence in the way, but I thought better of it...


Wednesday, July 23, 2008 - 1:30pm


506 Oak Avenue, Carrboro



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